About Us 

Kingdom Keys Learning has grown out of Kingdom Keys, a Bible based Christian ministry that delivers courses and seminars, designed to teach and equip people to study and live according to the Word of God.

Kingdom Keys Learning was established as an online platform in 2021 during lockdown. Previously, courses and seminars were run in person with a small multi-cultural, non-denominational team of volunteers.

Our courses and seminars include subjects you will not often hear taught in local churches. So many people desire freedom from the past and we believe that God wants to set His people free and equip them through the power of Holy Spirit to live the life of faith as He intended.

We live in a fallen world full of corruption and never has it been more important for believers to be grounded in the Word of God. Never has it been more important for believers to study the Bible for themselves to discover truth from error, it is our aim to help and encourage people to do so.

We believe that God's Word is 'living and active' and therefore expect it to make a difference in the lives of those who receive it and believe it. Believers in Jesus should make a difference in this world by discovering and using their spiritual gifts.

Over the years we have been privileged as a team to see many lives change as people begin to apply Biblical principles for themselves.

I am passionate about teaching the truth of God's Word in a clear, simple and practical way. I believe that signs follow the teaching of the Word and I count it a blessing to see people set free from the past and equipped through the power of Holy Spirit to live the life of faith as God intended.

Yvonne Wood (Co-founder of Kingdom Keys and Ministry Leader)

Who is Yvonne?  

I've been walking with the Lord for over 40 years and am a qualified teacher with many years experience of teaching adults.

I have long enjoyed studying and applying the Word and, in doing so, discovered that much of what I'd learned in church had to be unlearned!

Over the years, I've written and taught a number of discipleship courses in various churches, in prisons and for Teen Challenge ladies rehab.

 I've worked for several Christian ministries and was particularly blessed to work for Derek Prince Ministries UK for 20 years where I tutored students for correspondence courses and oversaw the prison programme.

I have a passion to pass on what I've learned to others, like yourself, to encourage you to study the Word and, learn how to be set free from the past, equipped to lead an effective Christian life and fulfil your calling.