You can but we recommend a laptop or PC
Yes, once you have enrolled on a course you can download the Zenler app from your appstore
To get the most out of this course we recommend you systematically work through all four beginning with Module 1; however if you wish you can choose to sign up for just one or more.
Yes, we encourage you to download the pdf lesson notes and keep them as a resource for the future, you might like to purchase a KK Ringbinder from our ebay site to keep them in:
On average it should take around half an hour, some lessons are shorter and some slightly longer.
Yes, you can contact the tutor by email and arrange a call
The course is based on the NIV translation but sometimes verses from other translations are referred to
Yes, you will receive a certificate of completion.
No but we encourage you to diary regular time for your courses as it's so easy to get out of the habit.
We do not offer refunds.