Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire

Your Spiritual Gifts Revealed


Do you know what your Spiritual Gifts are?

Based on 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 this short questionnaire comprising 45 simple questions, will assist you in identifying or confirming your spiritual gifts.

The nine gifts are:-  Prophecy, Knowledge, Exhortation, Discernment, Faith, Miracles, Healing, Tongues, Interpretation

Just select the most appropriate answer to each question and once completed, submit. The results will be emailed to you within 24 hours.

The questionnaire will take you about 10 minutes to complete 


Yvonne Wood

Julie G


"Interesting gifts questionnaire that is easy to take, and in my humble opinion, is fairly accurate. Thank you!"

Demelza M

Course Creator

"I took the Spiritual Gifts quiz even though I had an idea of what my gifts were. Although I was more or less right, I wasn't sure which was my 'top' and having that clarity means I feel more equipped to look for ways to serve God in the capacity for which He made me.  It's exciting and I look forward to seeing how God will use me moving forward."  


Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire Fee


  • One off administration fee

    • Discover your three dominant gifts
    • Easy to take questionnaire
    • Sent to your personal email address
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